Electronic translators Anobic

Friday, December 28, 2012

LUXECTACO.COM | Partner LUX English - Polish Free Speech Electronic Translator.

LUXECTACO.COM | Partner LUX English - Polish Free Speech Electronic Translator.

You can now freely speak whatever you want, and be understood. A palm-size device powerful enough to translate what you want, where you want, any time you want. That's what over 22 years of research and development has led up to.
The English <-> Polish Ectaco Partner LUX is the most advanced unit ever created while maintaining a user friendly interface, touchscreen, and a full QWERTY convertible keyboard. The sleek, lightweight (only 10.8 oz) design fits in your pocket and the brilliant 5" LCD delivers incredible viewing quality.


You spoke, we listened. With all the requests for a standalone free speech device, we put years of research and development to work making it available on the Ectaco Partner LUX*. You can finally speak into the device in English or any other language and have it translate what you say into Polish and vice versa. From meetings with your board of directors in Poland to getting together with the girl of your dreams, the English <-> Polish Ectaco Partner LUX not only breaks language barriers, it demolishes them.


Simply type any sentence you want and have it translated both ways at a touch of a button! Our unique translation system will even pronounce everything for you in English or Polish using the latest text-to-speech voice synthesis.


What we do best, all pre-loaded. You get the English <-> Polish Language Teacher, Talking English <-> Polish Dictionary, Academic size English dictionary, English <-> Polish Audio Phrasebook and more right out of the box:

Language Teacher:

The courses are fully interactive and replicate realistic interactions. It immerses you in the language and works with you at your own pace.

The 4 levels include thorough lessons of:

  • Alphabet
  • Words
  • Phrases
  • Dialogues

Each set is loaded with an advanced speech recognition system so you get a detailed view and correction of your pronunciation each time. You can backtrack lessons and restart the entire learning process as often as you like with no limit.

Dictionary Features:

Comprehensive and fully bidirectional English <-> Polish vocabulary database of over 1,420,000 words/phrases.

  • Translations complete with parts of speech, gender, comments, transcriptions, and examples
  • Advanced TTS (text-to-speech) functionality
  • Fluent human-voice pronunciation of English and Polish words
  • Multi-lingual display options
  • Quick copy and translate (translates a selected word in other application with just one click)
  • Input Line search finds any word matching the sequence of symbols you enter
  • History function to view and select previously entered words

PhraseBook Features:

  • 14,000 most commonly used phrases
  • Authentic human voice narration for both languages
  • 15 easily navigated topic-areas
  • Advanced speech recognition for hands-free navigation
  • Quick search using key words


  • Smart QWERTY and Virtual Keyboard with voice input
  • Talking Picture Dictionary with pronunciation for all words
  • UT183 Cross Translator for 183 languages all built-in
  • English Grammar course, American Idioms and Irregular Verbs
  • TOEFL Preparation - offers materials to help you prepare for the TOEFL iBT® test
  • US Citizenship test - practice the USCIS Citizenship Civics Test
  • eReader - professional eBook reader
  • Games: Chess, Virtual Table Tennis 3D, Dominoes, True Or False Trivia, Connect'm Free & Sudoku Free
  • Video player with AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP support
  • Voice Recorder
  • Calculator
  • microSD and microSDHC card support of up to 32 GB
  • Powered by Android OS
  • And much more!

You can also download additional Ectaco language applications directly from Ectaco website and more than 250,000 free apps available via 1 Mobile Market to the Ectaco Partner LUX electronic translator.

AC/DC adapter, rechargeable battery, stylus and USB cable are included in the standard package.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Popular European languages and translator ECTACO Partner LUX

Ectaco, Inc., the world leader in portable language learning and translation technology, is proud to present a whole new set of the WORLD'S FIRST FREE SPEECH ECTACO Partner LUX ( www.luxectaco.com )electronic translators that are now available for the most popular European languages.

The new LUX models have been released for Czech, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish with more language combinations to come every month.

You can now freely speak whatever you want in any of these languages, and be understood. An Android device powerful enough to translate what you want, where you want, any time you want. That's what over 22 years of research and development has led up to.

The ECTACO Partner LUX features the following:

· Free Speech Translation
· Compatibility with Android OS
· Hi-Res Screen and Wi-Fi
· Full Text Translator with voice output
· Interactive Language Teacher system with speech recognition
· Extensive Talking Dictionary and PhraseBook with human pronunciation
· ECTACO® Market – get additional language combinations for your Partner LUX
· Talking Picture Dictionary with pronunciation for all words
· UT183 Cross Translator for 183 languages all built-in
· And much more!

Check out the great new Partner LUX models listed below:









Monday, December 17, 2012

ECTACO Jetbook Color 2


Ectaco is quietly releasing a followup to the first e-reader in the world with color e-ink. The new model will use the second iteration of e-Ink Triton technology, which should provide a more seamless experience.

The Jetbook Color 2 uses a 9.7 inch e-ink Triton 2 touchscreen with 1200 × 1600 resolution. This unit will display close to 4096 colors, which should really bring PDF documents to life. Underneath the hood is a Freescale i.MX508 800 MHZ processor and 512 MB of RAM. They are using the exact same chip and RAM as the previous model, which was woefully inadequate. This unit gives you plenty of storage with 4 GB and expandable memory up to 32 GB.

There is a headphone jack and speakers, which takes advantage of the audio dictation software and the ability to play music. Really, this device is aimed at students, and comes with all the software as the original. It also comes with tons of study guides, learning, math, spelling, and other critical K12 materials.
So what’s different with this model? They did away with the manual page turn buttons that were on the sides. There is also a port built into it to store the stylus, which is useful. Triton 2 brings higher contrast and refined page turn speeds. You should see a severe lack of refreshing, which should not be that noticeable anymore.

ECTACO ISG (internet shop group):
www.ectaco.cz, www.ectaco.es, www.ectaco.fr, www.ectaco.ch, www.ectacoinc.co.uk, www.ectacoinc.pl, www.ectaco.sk, www.luxectaco.com
www.cpen.cz , www.ectaco.be, www.ectaco.info, www.ectaco.com.pt

Sunday, December 16, 2012

LUXECTACO.COM | Englisch <-> Deutscher elektronischer sprechender Übersetzer

Preis: $499.95
Jetzt können Sie reden, ohne Angst nicht verstanden zu werden. Das handgroße Gerät übersetzt alles, was Sie möchten, wo Sie möchten und wann Sie möchten. Das ist das Ergebnis unserer 22-jährigen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit.
Der Englisch <-> Deutsche Ectaco Partner LUX ist das fortschrittlichste Gerät mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche, einem Touchscreen und einer völlig konvertierbaren Standard-Tastatur. Das elegante, leichte (nur 306 g) Gerät passt in Ihre Tasche, und der prächtige 5" LCD-Blidschirm liefert die unglaubliche Anzeigequalität.


Sie sprachen, wir hörten zu. Nach mehreren Jahren der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit sind wir froh, Ihnen das Gerät, das Ihre Rede übersetzt, nämlich den Ectaco Partner LUX*, vorstellen zu können. Sie sprechen einfach auf Englisch oder auf einer anderen Sprache ins Gerät und es übersetzt alles, was Sie sagen, ins Deutsche und umgekehrt. Von Sitzungen mit dem Vorstand in Deutschland bis Verständnis mit Ihrer Traumfrau, überwindet der Englisch <-> Deutscher Ectaco Partner LUX nicht bloß die Sprachgrenzen, sondern er zerstört diese Grenzen.


Tippen Sie einen beliebigen Satz ein und auf Knopfdruck bekommen Sie ihn übersetzt! Unser einzigartiges Übersetzungssystem wird alles mögliche für Sie auf Englisch und Deutsch vorsprechen, da es über die neueste Text-to-Speech Sprachsynthese verfügt.


Unsere besten Programme sind bereits geladen. Auf einmal erhalten Sie den Englisch <-> Deutschen Language Teacher, sprechendes Englisch <-> Deutsches Wörterbuch, umfassendes Wörterbuch der englischen Sprache, den Englisch <-> Deutschen Audio-Sprachführer und vieles mehr.
Language Teacher:
Der Kurs ist interaktiv und schafft echte Kommunikationssituationen. Sie tauchen in die Sprache hinein und lernen in Ihrem eigenen Arbeitstempo.
4 Stufen umfassen Lektionen mit:
  • Alphabet
  • Wörtern
  • Phrasen
  • Dialogen
Jedes Set wird mit dem fortschrittlichen Spracherkennungssystem geladen, so dass Sie jedes Mal eine Detailansicht und Korrektur Ihrer Aussprache haben. Sie können die Lektionen oder den ganzen Kurs beliebig oft wiederholen.
Umfassende und komplett bidirektionale Englisch <-> Deutsche Vokabeldatenbank mit über 747,000 Vokabeln/Phrasen.
  • Vokabeln werden durch Informationen zu Wortart und Genus, Transkription, Kommentare und Beispiele vervollständigt
  • Fortschrittliche TTS (Text-to-Speech) Funktion
  • Vortrag durch menschliche Sprecher für englische und deutsche Vokabeln
  • Mehrsprachige Benutzeroberfläche
  • Schnelles Kopieren und Übersetzen (übersetzt das hervorgehobene Wort in anderer Anwendung mit einem Klick)
  • Die Angabezeile für die Wortsuche findet alle Wörter, die mit der von Ihnen eingegebenen Zeichenfolge übereinstimmen
  • History-Funktion zum Anzeigen und Auswählen der früher eingegebenen Wörter
  • 14 000 gängigste Phrasen
  • Authentischer Vortrag durch menschliche Sprecher für beide Sprachen
  • 15 einfach zu navigierende Themenbereiche
  • fortschrittliche sprachgesteuerte Navigation
  • Schnellsuche nach Schlagwörtern


  • Standard-Tastatur und virtuelle Tastatur mit Sprachausgabe
  • Sprechendes Bildwörterbuch mit Aussprache für alle Wörter
  • UT183 vielseitiger Übersetzer für 183 schon geladene Sprachen
  • Grammatik der englischen Sprache, amerikanische Idiome und unregelmäßige Verben
  • TOEFL-Vorbereitung – Lernmaterialien für den TOEFL iBT® Test
  • Test für US-Staatsbürgerschaft – üben Sie den USCIS Citizenship Civics Test
  • E-Reader – professioneller E-Book-Reader
  • Spiele: Schachspiel, virtuelles Tischtennis 3D, Domino, Wahr Oder Falsch Quiz, Connect'm Free & Sudoku Free
  • Video-Player mit Unterstützung für AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP Formate
  • Voice-Recorder
  • Taschenrechner
  • microSD und microSDHC Karte-Unterstützung bis zu 32 GB
  • Angetrieben von Android OS
  • Und vieles mehr!
Zusätzliche Programme von Ectaco können Sie von der Ectaco website herunterladen. Außerdem sind mehr als 250 000 kostenlose Anwendungen für den elektronischen Übersetzer Ectaco Partner LUX auf dem 1Mobile Market verfügbar.
AC/DC Adapter, Akku, Eingabestift und USB-Kabel sind im Lieferumfang enthalten.
Bedienungsanleitung (Englisch)
Rascher Start (Deutsch)

LUXECTACO.COM | Partner LUX Russian <-> German Free Speech Electronic Translator

Partner LUX Russian <-> German Free Speech Electronic Translator
Translate anything. Those were the words used when the Partner LUX was being designed. They proved to create the most powerful Android operated German <-> Russian talking electronic translator and language learning system in the World!


You can now freely speak whatever you want, and be understood. A palm-size device powerful enough to translate what you want, where you want, any time you want. That's what over 22 years of research and development has led up to.

The German <-> Russian Ectaco Partner LUX is the most advanced unit ever created while maintaining a user friendly interface, touchscreen, and a full QWERTY convertible keyboard. The sleek, lightweight (only 10.8 oz) design fits in your pocket and the brilliant 5" LCD delivers incredible viewing quality.


You spoke, we listened. With all the requests for a standalone free speech device, we put years of research and development to work making it available on the Ectaco Partner LUX*. You can finally speak into the device in German or any other language and have it translate what you say into Russian and vice versa. From meetings with your board of directors in Russia to getting together with the girl of your dreams, the German <-> Russian Ectaco Partner LUX not only breaks language barriers, it demolishes them.


Simply type any sentence you want and have it translated both ways at a touch of a button! Our unique translation system will even pronounce everything for you in German or Russian using the latest text-to-speech voice synthesis.



What we do best, all pre-loaded. You get the German <-> Russian Language Teacher, Talking German <-> Russian Dictionary, Academic size English dictionary, German <-> Russian Audio Phrasebook and more right out of the box:

    Language Teacher:
    The courses are fully interactive and replicate realistic interactions. It immerses you in the language and works with you at your own pace.
    The 4 levels include thorough lessons of:
  • Alphabet
  • Words
  • Phrases
  • Dialogues
    Each set is loaded with an advanced speech recognition system so you get a detailed view and correction of your pronunciation each time. You can backtrack lessons and restart the entire learning process as often as you like with no limit.
    Dictionary Features:
    Comprehensive and fully bidirectional German <-> Russian vocabulary database of over 1,020,000 words/phrases.
    • Translations complete with parts of speech, gender, comments, transcriptions, and examples
    • Advanced TTS (text-to-speech) functionality
    • Fluent human-voice pronunciation of German and Russian words
    • Multi-lingual display options
    • Quick copy and translate (translates a selected word in other application with just one click)
    • Input Line search finds any word matching the sequence of symbols you enter
    • History function to view and select previously entered words
PhraseBook Features:
  • 14,000 most commonly used phrases
  • Authentic human voice narration for both languages
  • 15 easily navigated topic-areas
  • Advanced speech recognition for hands-free navigation
  • Quick search using key words


LUXECTACO.COM | >>English - French Free Speech Electronic Translator.

ECTACO Partner LUX | English - French Free Speech Electronic Translator.

You can now freely speak whatever you want, and be understood. A palm-size device powerful enough to translate what you want, where you want, any time you want. That's what over 22 years of research and development has led up to.

The English <-> French Ectaco Partner LUX is the most advanced unit ever created while maintaining a user friendly interface, touchscreen, and a full QWERTY convertible keyboard. The sleek, lightweight (only 10.8 oz) design fits in your pocket and the brilliant 5" LCD delivers incredible viewing quality.


You spoke, we listened. With all the requests for a standalone free speech device, we put years of research and development to work making it available on the Ectaco Partner LUX*. You can finally speak into the device in English or any other language and have it translate what you say into French and vice versa. From meetings with your board of directors in France to getting together with the girl of your dreams, the English <-> French Ectaco Partner LUX not only breaks language barriers, it demolishes them.


Simply type any sentence you want and have it translated both ways at a touch of a button! Our unique translation system will even pronounce everything for you in English or French using the latest text-to-speech voice synthesis.**


What we do best, all pre-loaded. You get the English <-> French Language Teacher, Talking English <-> French Dictionary, Academic size English dictionary, English <-> French Audio Phrasebook and more right out of the box:

Language Teacher:

The courses are fully interactive and replicate realistic interactions. It immerses you in the language and works with you at your own pace...
ECTACO ISG (internet shop group):
www.ectaco.cz, www.ectaco.es, www.ectaco.fr, www.ectaco.ch, www.ectacoinc.co.uk, www.ectacoinc.pl, www.ectaco.sk, www.luxectaco.com
www.cpen.cz , www.ectaco.be, www.ectaco.info, www.ectaco.com.pt

Thursday, December 6, 2012

... Foreign Languages For English Speakers To Learn

by Anne Merritt, The Telegraph

The English language is closely related to many Germanic and Romance dialects, so when it comes to language study English speakers aren’t starting from scratch. Anne Merritt lists the 10 easiest to pick up.
We English speakers have a bad reputation in the world of language.
According to a European Commission survey in 2012, 61 per cent of British respondents could not speak a second language. However, with growing foreign economies and more global communication than ever before, languages are becoming a crucial skill for professionals.
Luckily, English is not an isolated language. Rather, it is linked to many European Germanic languages by descent or influence. It also absorbed foreign vocabulary in its earlier years; over 50 per cent of English words stem from Latin or French.
This means that when it comes to language study, English speakers aren’t starting from scratch. With common alphabets, structure, and vocabulary, foreign languages can be relatively easy for English speakers to learn...

full article>>

ECTACO ISG (internet shop group):
www.ectaco.cz, www.ectaco.es, www.ectaco.fr, www.ectaco.ch, www.ectacoinc.co.uk, www.ectacoinc.pl, www.ectaco.sk, www.luxectaco.com
www.cpen.cz , www.ectaco.be, www.ectaco.info, www.ectaco.com.pt

Sunday, October 14, 2012

ECTACO.CZ | Why learn Spanish in USA and EU?

by matireals: www.vistawide.com,
10 great reasons:

1. Communicate with 350 million native Spanish speakers worldwide.

Spanish is spoken by at least an estimated 350 million people around the world and is currently the 4th most commonly spoken language worldwide. Geographically, a large number of countries have Spanish as a dominant language: Spain, the United States, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Equatorial Guinea, the Philippines, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Knowing Spanish opens the door for you to communicate with 1/3 of a billion speakers worldwide!

English-Spanish Electronic dictionary P900.

2. Communicate with Spanish-speaking people at home.

If you live in the US, it is possible to maintain almost daily contact with native Spanish speakers in many cities or even in rural areas. This is certainly the case in the many states bordering Mexico, or such states as Florida and New York where many immigrants of Cuban ancestry reside. Even if your home state is not located in one of these areas, there is still a great likelihood of finding Spanish-speakers close to where you live. As of 1995, 10% of all people living in the US were of Hispanic descent. In the past 10 years, this number has continued to increase.

Perhaps this is why 53% of students learning languages in US colleges and universities are learning Spanish over other languages. You have the opportunity to use your language skills right at home.

3. Learn Spanish to enhance your travel experiences.

If you've ever dreamed of visiting far-off, exotic, tropical places, you don't have far to look when you consider the great number of Spanish-speaking countries that fit this description. Wherever you decide to go, be it to Central America, or to Spain, the mother-country of the Spanish language, knowing the language will get you far.

Knowing the language and culture of the land you visit will give you insights into the people and culture that a non-Spanish speaker would never have access to. Knowing even a little Spanish ahead of time helps travelers communicate more successfully, especially considering that a great number of Spanish speakers do not know English. Whether giving an address in a taxi, making reservations in a hotel, ordering food or drinks in a restaurant, or meeting the locals at the main hang-out, your travel experience will be much smoother and more enjoyable when you can communicate.

If you take a little time to learn some of the Spanish language before heading off to distant lands, your understanding and appreciation for the places you visit will be improved tremendously.
4. Use Spanish to improve your employment potential.
Know a second language? Great, you're hired! If you have proven yourself to be a capable employee with just the right job skills AND you speak a foreign language such as Spanish, you are much more likely to land that job of your dreams than if you are monolingual. In fact, many jobs today require a minimum of basic proficiency in another language.

With the world becoming ever more global, contact with people of other countries has increased tremendously in recent decades. Just having a basic knowledge may be all it takes to separate yourself from the crowd of applicants for the job you are pursuing. With the rapidly increasing Hispanic population, there are a multitude of career fields in the US that need Spanish speakers. Among them are nurses, social workers, teachers, salespeople, translators, and many more.

Internationally, people who speak Spanish often have opportunities to work in trade or business fields. Other options include diplomacy, interpretation, and security applications, which all require a sensitivity and proficiency of another language. And did you know that bilingual employees often receive a larger salary than their non-Spanish speaking counterparts?

If the chance to show off your skills and be more competitive on the job market doesn't interest you in studying Spanish, perhaps the extra cash will!

5. Learn Spanish to improve your knowledge of your own language.

Spanish is from the Romance language family of languages, its roots coming primarily from Latin, the language spoken by the Romans. As you might know, English, too has many words of Latin origin. Because of this, knowing Spanish helps speakers of English (as well as some other European languages) broaden their vocabulary in their native language. Often times, these same Latin roots are at the base of many sophisticated words in English, so Spanish learners can also become more proficient in English.

In addition, a recognition and understanding of these words of Latin origin is especially helpful in certain professions in science, medicine, law, and many others with specialized vocabulary, as the many centuries of Roman rule left their mark linguistically in these and other modern scientific and professional fields.

6. Learn Spanish to prepare for study abroad opportunities.

Many high schools, colleges, and universities offer study abroad opportunities. Many different types of programs are available to choose from and they vary in time from as little as a week of study to one semester, or even a whole year. Often, as little as one semester or one year of prior language study is all that is needed to qualify to participate in an exchange program.

Without taking that first step of signing up for a language class, you may just miss out on one of life's most exciting adventures possible. What could be better than living, breathing, and using your newly acquired language skills than actually putting them to use in one of the many Spanish-speaking countries from around the world? Not only does an exchange program give you the opportunity to use the Spanish you know, but also the opportunity to improve your language abilities on a daily basis. Constant exposure the language and culture of the city in which you study is believed to be the key to true language mastery and helps pave the way to literacy and native speaker like fluency.

Exchange students benefit not only from the opportunity to practice language daily, but also from the credits they receive for the classes taken while abroad. Most schools even allow students to fulfill multiple academic requirements while studying in a foreign country. Who doesn't love the idea of receiving credits toward graduation at the same time as having the experience of a lifetime?

7. Better appreciate Spanish-speaking cultures.

Apart from opening up access to areas of "high" culture such as art, literature, and history, a knowleged of Spanish can help learners understand and appreciate day-to-day culture in the Spanish-speaking world. The ability to read and understand authentic Spanish -- whether that be in the newspaper, on television, in magazines, in letters from friends or pen pals, or on the street -- truly gives an "insider" view into the language and all of its different shades of meaning.

Learning the Spanish language and culture go hand-in-hand. While not impossible to learn Spanish never having experienced the culture first hand, direct exposure to the culture will give language learners insights into the language that would otherwise not be possible.

8. Learn Spanish to make lifelong friends.

As most people would probably recognize, the primary purpose of a language is to facilitate communication between people. However, what many people don't realize is that learning a foreign language, although intimidating at times, opens many doors to meeting new and exciting people that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Getting to know somebody by communicating with them in their own language is a great way to really get to know that person on a much deeper level than only through communicating with gestures or body language. Language study, practice, and exposure to the language are vital to effective and successful communication.

Even though becoming proficient in Spanish might take a lot of effort, dedication, and time on the part of the learner, the rewards can be great. Imagine all of the friends it is possible to make while on vacation, during study abroad, through having a common interest in music, or even while at work? Having lifelong international friends not only opens future travel opportunities but makes you a cultural ambassador both at home and abroad.

9. Learning Spanish makes acquiring the next foreign language easier.

It is often said by people who have become bilingual in Spanish or another language: Through hard work, perseverance, and lots of practice, the next language one learns is much easier to master by comparison. Learning a foreign language develops a whole set of mental, social, and cultural skills and this newfound awareness carries over to other languages when learned. Once Spanish has been learned to a proficient level, when the grammar concepts, vocabulary, and other facets of the language have become fairly automatic, picking up a new language comes much more effortlessly. The new languages studied, especially of European origin, tend to have a lot of recognizable, common elements that are more easily assimilated and expanded upon by tapping into previous language-learning experience. In fact, once you know Spanish, other languages in the Romance language family such as Italian, French, Portuguese, or even ancient Latin, will almost seem like "cousins" to the Spanish you've already learned!

10. Gain access to Spanish art, music, literature and film.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to view a film in its original language instead of watching it in a dubbed version? Are you tired of being distracted from enjoying a film by the need to read the film's subtitles? Have you wondered if the translation of the film is accurate or if you are missing out on the details in the film? Becoming proficient in Spanish would greatly enhance your enjoyment of such Oscar-winning films as Belle epoque (1993), All About My Mother (1999), and The Sea Inside (2004).

In addition to deriving more enjoyment from films, a knowledge of Spanish would help gain access into the minds and times of the people responsible for some of the greatest literature in the Spanish-speaking world. Who hasn't heard of Miguel de Cervantes, whose novel, Don Quixote was not only groundbreaking in the 16th century when first published, but continues to fascinate and inspire current audiences?

What about Spanish music and art? Most people would recognize Cuban singing-sensation, Gloria Estefan, and Spanish cubist painter Pablo Picasso is known worldwide for his modern-style of art that has influenced the artistic community around the globe. In recent years, film stars from Spain and Latin America such as Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, and Salma Hayak have become recognized not just at home, but in Hollywood as well.
www.ectaco.es - Los diccionarios electrónicos y traductores de mano – más de 70 títulos para 20 idiomas – son dispositivos modernos, ligeros y de moda con una gran variedad de funciones. Un diccionario electrónico se está convirtiendo en el artículo indispensable en muchas áreas de negocios. La mayoría de nuestros modelos están basados en tecnologías de reconocimiento de voz y de Texto a Voz y tienen capacidades adicionales de un organizador de negocios. Un diccionario nuestro es habitualmente un diccionario electrónico bidireccional e incluye reconocimiento y/o sintetizador de voz, extensas bases de diccionario (hasta 1,000,000 de palabras), referencias gramáticas, vocabularios que contienen frases de uso común, expresiones coloquiales, verbos irregulares, etc.

Friday, September 21, 2012

ECTACO Inc | Studying the Russian Terminology Today

The Russian terminology is the most generally verbal terminology in Russian countries. It is a Slavic terminology whose origins can be tracked to Sanskrit, Ancient, and Latina. Though not as worldwide popular as its days as the formal terminology of the former Communist Partnership, it is still the formal terminology of such nations as Italy, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Russian is a terminology of pride, but can seem overwhelming to understand. If you have regarded studying a second terminology, the Russian terminology will confirm to be a complicated yet fulfilling accomplishment.

Russian-English electronic dictionary Partner ER900 Deluxe
As a college student of the Russian terminology, you have several solutions by which you can understand it. If you choose to study Russian at the college level, and get your level in it, you will obtain an skills in the terminology that can provide you with several profession possibilities. With a level in Russian, one profession choice for you is as a terminology interpretation. International terminology interpretation companies implement individuals who are smooth in many different dialects, such as European. In addition to information in another area (such as law or medicine), you would have to be able to perform to link the gap between English-speaking and Russian-speaking business connections by converting websites and records for them. Another profession chance would be as a instructor of British as a second terminology in a Russian-speaking nation. After getting your training qualifications, you could perform for a terminology school in Italy training learners how to talk, study, and create British. With a strong information of Russian, you would be able to perform and live together with local Russian speakers with convenience.
If you are looking for studying the Russian terminology for journey requirements, you can opt to join an faster course online. You can understand primary Russian at your own speed, and you will feel more relaxed when you journey to Russian discussing nations if you know how to connect you primary needs (such as asking for directions) to Russian citizens. If you have enough some time to the money, another choice is to understand the Russian terminology by searching for an engagement system in Italy. An engagement system continues anywhere from two to six weeks. By doing this, you will not only understand the Russian terminology, but you will also experience the Russian way of lifestyle. You will become part of the lifestyle and lifestyle, and you will understand the terminology quickly, despite your concerns.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Translators ECTACO | Partner EFa900 Deluxe - English <-> Persian (Farsi)

ECTACO Partner EFa900 Deluxe - English <-> Farsi Talking Electronic Dictionary and Audio PhraseBook with Handheld Scanner
ECTACO Partner EFa900 Deluxe - English <-> Farsi Talking Electronic Dictionary and Audio PhraseBook with Handheld Scanner
Price: $ 499.95
Order now Specification
Category: Talking bilingual dictionary expandable to include over 50 language combinations
Language pair:English <-> English, English <-> Farsi, Farsi <-> English
Speech:English for the Dictionary; English and Farsi for the PhraseBook

Unsurpassed Translation

With a massive 470,000 entry English <-> Farsi Translating Dictionary, an easy to use 39 language translating Picture Dictionary and a complete English explanatory dictionary and Farsi -> English Full Text Translation, the remarkable new EFa900 Deluxe contains everything you need for superior translation and accurate communication. Exclusive User Dictionaries allow you to store your own personalized lists of frequently used words and a history function remembers your most recent translations to provide instant access to the information you need to understand and be understood.

Scan and Read Translation

Using the included Ectaco/C-pen Handheld Scanner you can now translate things you never dreamed possible as easy as grabbing an entire text wherever you find it. Simply scan text from any surface - a book, newspaper, doctor’s prescriptions or a poster on the wall - upload it and get an instant translation. In addition, with the help of the included mini-USB to USB adapter and ECTACO software (sold separately) you can use the Ectaco/C-Pen to import image data to your desktop or laptop PC as well.

Advanced Speech Capabilities

Delivering flawless voiced output of all the words in its enormous database with True Voice human pronunciation, the EFa900 Deluxe offers a unique chance to improve your pronunciation by hearing how a native speaker says a word or phrase. A pre-recorded word list provides access to the dictionary’s spoken entries. The world’s most advanced English Speech Recognition modules let you speak into the device in your own language and get an instant, hands-free translation that can be spoken out loud in the target language.

Dependable Audio PhraseBook

A fully functional talking, translating Audio PhraseBook provides you with all the words and phrases you need to communicate in almost any situation. Divided into 15 easy to navigate topic areas, it includes 14,000 phrases so that there's nothing you won’t be able to say. Simply select a category, press the 'Say' button and the translator speaks the phrase fluently in the language of your choice.

Successful Language Study

With the patented Language Teacher system that comes pre-loaded on the EFa900 Deluxe you are well on your way to complete control of a new language within minutes. One of the most effective methods ever designed for language study, it employs the advanced True Voice and Speech Recognition modules and step-by-step lessons to guide you comfortably from beginner to advanced speaker. With a full set of enjoyable games and exams, you improve your language skills naturally and intuitively. In addition, with the unique Word-of-the-day utility, a Memorize splash screen appears when starting an application to show you a useful word or phrase, a translation and a corresponding picture. It's an excellent way to improve your vocabulary and master a foreign language!

Loaded With Extras

The EFa900 Deluxe offers the most sought-after extras to make every trip you take more enjoyable. The included jetBook Reader lets you read and translate your favorite e-Books. A built-in voice recorder lets you record conversations and audio notes and a robust audio player with mp3 support lets you listen to your favorite media files and AudioBooks.

Complete Support

Easy to navigate and astonishingly responsive, the customizable and intuitive Windows CE powered interface offers instant access to the information you need quickly, easily and dependably. A Smart Virtual Keyboard with Audio interface and layout for both languages complete the built-in support that makes the EFa900 Deluxe different from all the rest.


  • Large 3.5” color LCD screen
  • 470,000 entry English <-> Farsi bilingual translating Dictionary
  • Ectaco/C-Pen Handheld Scanner for instant translation of text from any surface
  • 70,000 English explanations with the WordNet Princeton English Dictionary
  • Farsi -> English Full Text Translation functionality
  • Unique User’s Dictionary lets you create personalized word lists
  • Advanced English Speech Recognition
  • True Voice human pronunciation of all English words and phrases
  • Pre-recorded words list provides access to spoken dictionary entries
  • Talking 39 language Picture Dictionary with pronunciation for all words
  • 14,000 entry Audio PhraseBook for commonly encountered situations
  • Patented Language Teacher system with hands-free, eyes-free U-Learn™ Car Tutor
  • Unbeatable Word-of-the-day vocabulary builder
  • Spell-Check, History and Slang Lock options
  • Smart Virtual Keyboard with Audio interface
  • Vector Ultima™ spell-checker and English Morphofinder™ to help find the words you need
  • Customizable bilingual interface
  • English Grammar, Irregular Verbs, Idioms, and SAT 200/5000 vocabulary builders
  • Linguistic Crossword, Pockets, Spell-It-Right, FlashCards, Hangman games and a Translation Test
  • Customizable translating jetBook Reader with FB2 and TXT file support
  • Video Player with .avi, .mp3, .wma, .wav, .ogg, .jpg, and .png. support; Voice Recorder;

Plus much more…

All Deluxe 900 models include C-pen, Dual USB cable for C-pen, Headphones with mic, Bonus CD, Adapter, Rechargeable battery and Pouch.

www.ectaco.cz, www.ectaco.fr, www.ectaco.es, www.ectacoinc.co.uk , www.ectaco.ch